Better software development for you.

Coordination of Customer Strategy with Development

Your strategy is critical to the success of any software development and ultimately responsible for your business success. Whether it’s an App or a plugin to connect to another online system, it’s also the foundation of our future business relationship.

How we do it?

Iterative Development Implementation

Based on your strategy, we develop the concept of the software and divide it into small units (modules). These units can be designed one after the other or parallel. Each unit will be coordinated with you and, if necessary, changes implemented immediately. This way, you get your software adapted to your needs precisely on time.


By using state-of-the-art development tools, selected by criteria such as lifetime, performance, maintainability, and guaranteed maintenance duration, your investment will be safe.

Time to Market

and Reliability

Of course, every day of software development costs money. Often, the loss of expected sales is much more expensive. Therefore, the ability to run and the punctual commissioning is an essential factor for your success. Our planning tools, our years of experience in highly scalable systems, our professional team and the accurate preparation will ensure both.

About us


Herwig Brunner, Portrait
Herwig Brunner, CEO

Herwig Brunner, CEO of Brunwig GmbH,
is a successful software developer and outstanding team manager. He started his career in 2004 as a software developer. After many milestones in Software-Development, he became a highly skilled professional and an experienced Software manager.

Gerwin Brunner, CEO

Gerwin Brunner, CEO of Brunwig GmbH,
is a first class software designer. Since years he is still working on developments. When a project becomes impossible that’s the challenge that drives him. “That’s the really important thing in life” is Gerwin’s attitude.

Their years of experience in developing apps, software plugins, and desktop software now provides more than 500K users with secure and easy-to-use applications.